The Year of the Rabbit brings with it the belief that
“all the seeds of effort we have sown, will finally bear fruit”.

In Japan, rabbits represent fortune, moving forward and intelligence. They are also known as “messengers from the kami” (gods). Rabbits have “kind souls”, as demonstrated in a story from Japanese Buddhist folklore where the “man in the moon” comes to earth as a beggar. He is so touched by the kindness of “rabbit”, that he carries rabbit back to the moon to live with him. Now, if you look at the full moon, you can see the outline of rabbit happily pounding steaming hot rice into “mochi” rice cakes...

The rabbit is also a symbol for fertility , therefore 2023 is guaranteed to be a powerful year to not only start a new business venture, but also a great time for those looking to have children; and for artists, the perfect opportunity to get inspired and move in new directions.

All in all, the year 2023 looks to be a very positive, optimistic one, where the preparations, and sacrifices we’ve made up to now, will be graciously, and generously rewarded.

Wishing Everyone Many Blessings in the New Year 2023!!
From All of Us at Pagong Kyoto




"Fujin and Raijin" The Gods of Wind and Thunder