KOKEKOKO!! (Red) Silk Aloha Shirt


Color / Red    Size Chart Care Instruction

Japanese name/ にわとり (Niwatori)

“, is the loud crowing of a rooster in Japanese, the equivalent to “cockadoodledo“, in English.

Since ancient times in Japanese folk-lore, the rooster is believed to drive away demons and misfortune. The rooster’s crowing at dawn, at the beginning of light, announcing the end of darkness, makes him a “messenger from God”.

・Currency : US Dollar (USD)
・100% Silk  (Custom-woven jacquard )
・Made in Japan
・Classic fit aloha shirt
・Coconut buttons
・Dry clean

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Color / Red    Size Chart Care Instruction

Japanese name/ にわとり (Niwatori)

“, is the loud crowing of a rooster in Japanese, the equivalent to “cockadoodledo“, in English.

Since ancient times in Japanese folk-lore, the rooster is believed to drive away demons and misfortune. The rooster’s crowing at dawn, at the beginning of light, announcing the end of darkness, makes him a “messenger from God”.

・Currency : US Dollar (USD)
・100% Silk  (Custom-woven jacquard )
・Made in Japan
・Classic fit aloha shirt
・Coconut buttons
・Dry clean

Color / Red    Size Chart Care Instruction

Japanese name/ にわとり (Niwatori)

“, is the loud crowing of a rooster in Japanese, the equivalent to “cockadoodledo“, in English.

Since ancient times in Japanese folk-lore, the rooster is believed to drive away demons and misfortune. The rooster’s crowing at dawn, at the beginning of light, announcing the end of darkness, makes him a “messenger from God”.

・Currency : US Dollar (USD)
・100% Silk  (Custom-woven jacquard )
・Made in Japan
・Classic fit aloha shirt
・Coconut buttons
・Dry clean

All of our 100% silk aloha shirts have our logo of “sea turtle and wave”, woven into our custom-made silk fabric.
We take pride in our clothing being designed, dyed, steamed, washed, and sewn entirely in Kyoto, Japan. Over this intricately woven pattern, we dye our designs…

Pagong’s personal archives house 6000 Kimono patterns, which we choose from, as well as from museum archives.


If there is anything we can help you with, please feel free to let us know.
Contact Form >> www.pagongkyoto.com/contact

SAKURA ( Pink ) Silk Aloha Shirt
IKYU'S DRAGON Silk Aloha Shirt
SAKURA ( Navy ) Silk Aloha Shirt
JAKUCHU ITO Silk Aloha Shirt