What Makes Pagong’s Silk Aloha Shirts Different From All Other Silk Aloha Shirts?

Our customers tell us our silk Aloha shirts are special, extraordinary, exceptional…even unique. Hearing this feedback, we are very humbled, and deeply grateful. For those however, who have yet to experience wearing one of our silk Aloha shirts, we would like to start by describing the character of our fabric, which we feel, is what makes our shirts distinct from all the rest.

“Soft as silk”, is often heard but what if we told you there was a silk which stands out as being light-years above all others, one with alluring luster, drape, and texture…One that is not only soft, but moves like its an extension of the body when worn…One of the “choicest” of all silks…Silk Jacquard, first loomed in the 1700’s, in France.


Woven of matte and reflective threads of only one color, Jacquard silk has contrasting light and dark luster, distinguished by its various woven patterns; because of this distinctness, the fabric has unique character unlike any other silk produced

Therefore…the reason behind Pagong’s use of Silk Jacquard is quite simple, besides the qualities we’ve already mentioned, it also gives us the opportunity to show our trademark of “a turtle riding the waves”, within the weave of each of our silk Aloha shirts. Over this intricately woven surface, our artisans apply dye, and our patterns come alive!


Our dye process, “Kyoto Yuzen”…is our homage to a Kyoto tradition. From our family’s archive of designs, we select patterns which represent both the real and imagined, designs linked to Kyoto’s rich kimono culture.  

We are sincerely grateful to share our appreciation of Japan’s culture, and traditions with our customers around the world; inspiring us to carry on the legacy of Kyoto’s artisans, and the spirit of its people.


Edo, and Ukiyo-e


Ikyu's Dragon (featured in the Edo era Kabuki drama, "Sukeroku Yukari No Edo Zakura")